the time wasters of government school principals in Gaza governorates from their point of view


  • Juma Hikmat Al-Asali MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Author


waste of time، school principals، Gaza governorates


The study aimed to identify  time wasters of government school principals in Gaza governorates from their point of view. The study led to the following results: The degree of time wasters among government school principals in Gaza governorates reached a relative weight of (62.20%) and an average degree of estimation. There are statistically significant differences at the level of significance (a = 0.05)  between the average degrees of estimation of the members of the study sample about the time wasters of government school principals in Gaza governorates due to the educational qualification variable in the total degree in favor of graduate studies. In light of the results of the study،  the study recommended a set of recommendations،  the most important of which are: The need for the educational department in the Ministry of Education to develop a mechanism to enable principals to plan school to invest time in A better method is to activate the system of training school principals on time management with its various operations and areas،  and ways to overcome time wasters.


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المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

the time wasters of government school principals in Gaza governorates from their point of view. (2024). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 4(12), 11-47.