The role of the Palestine Liberation Army of the Palestine Liberation Organization in the third Arab-Israeli war, the June 1967 war - analytical study


  • Khalid Ahmed daoos MINISTRY OF Education Palestine Author


The June War, the Palestinian Liberation Army, the Palestine Liberation Organization, the Palestinian


This study aimed to identify the role of the Palestine Liberation Army of the Palestine Liberation Organization in the third Arab-Israeli war, the June War of 1967, to identify the reasons for establishing this army and its whereabouts, as well as to identify its brigades and the forces that compose them, and the role it has undertaken to defend The land of Palestine in the June 1967 war, and if it had an active role in this war like the rest of the Arab armies participating in it, and the study reached several results, including:

  1. The Palestine Liberation Army of the Palestine Liberation Organization was established in 1964 by the League of Arab States.
  2. The Palestinian Liberation Army consisted of three military brigades distributed in three Arab countries, and the Palestinian youth residing in these countries joined them.
  3. Despite the weak armament, strength and small number of the Palestine Liberation Army, it participated in the Six-Day War alongside the Arab armies and had an effective role in this war.
  4. The Palestinian Liberation Army forces defended with force, ferocity and aggression in defense of the Gaza Strip until the end.
  5. The leadership of the Israeli forces witnessed the strong and violent confrontation by the Palestinian Liberation Army forces


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How to Cite

The role of the Palestine Liberation Army of the Palestine Liberation Organization in the third Arab-Israeli war, the June 1967 war - analytical study. (2023). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(7), 401-417.