The availability of the components of the classroom environment in public secondary schools in Bethlehem Governorate from the point of view of its students


  • seham hammad Doctorate Program in Educational Leadership and Administration - Al-Quds University - Palestine Author
  • Nariman Lotfi Doctorate Program in Educational Leadership and Administration - Al-Quds University - Palestine Author


components, physical environment, educational environment, social environment, classroom management



This study aimed to find out the availability of the components of the classroom environment in public secondary schools in Bethlehem governorate from the point of view of its students, also aimed to reveal the extent to which they are affected by different variables. The researchers used the questionnaire which was made and improved by them .It consists of (67) paragraphs, divided into four axes. The study was applied to a sample of (365) students of both sexes, in the eleventh and twelfth grades, in the scientific and literary branches.

The study reached the most important results: The elements of the classroom environment were available in secondary schools in the Bethlehem Governorate to a moderate degree, and there were statistically significant differences in favor of females. The study made a number of recommendations, the most important of which are: the need to pay attention to the rehabilitation of teachers in male schools, and to work on preparing guidance programs that enhance the motivation of students, and real networking with the local community to improve the physical environment in schools.


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How to Cite

The availability of the components of the classroom environment in public secondary schools in Bethlehem Governorate from the point of view of its students. (2023). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(7), 323-347.