The Quality of the School Environment and its Relation to Academic Achievement among High School Students in the Southern Palestinian Governorates


  • Munawwar A M nIJm Islamic university Gaza Palestine Author
  • Nadia Dahesh Daloul Islamic university Gaza Palestine Author


Quality, School Environment, Highs.


To know the level of the quality of the school environment among secondary school students in the southern governorates of Palestine from the students' point of view, The researcher used the descriptive analytical method, It relied on the questionnaire as a tool of study, The study population consisted of high school students in the directorates of East and West Gaza for the academic year (2018- 2019), and their number student (37415), The sample of the study (396) students, by 1.  09% of the study population, One of the most important results is the level of the quality of the school environment in secondary schools in the southern governorates of Palestine from the point of view of the students came to a medium degree, where I got a relative weight (66.2%), There are no statistically significant differences between the study sample estimates of the level of the school environment quality in the secondary schools in the southern governorates from the students' point of view due to the gender variable and the student rate, while there are differences between the study sample estimates of the level of the school environment quality in the secondary schools in the southern governorates of Palestine.  From the students' perspective, the variable attributes the type of school to private schools.  


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المصادر والمراجع

أولاً: المراجع العربية:

القرآن الكريم.

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المصادر والمراجع

أولاً: المراجع العربية:

القرآن الكريم.

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How to Cite

The Quality of the School Environment and its Relation to Academic Achievement among High School Students in the Southern Palestinian Governorates. (2023). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(7), 285-315.