Factors Affecting Education Under Digital Transformation in Jenin Directorate Schools During Wartime


  • Inas Fouad Mohammed Abu Farha Malaysian Girls' Primary School – Jenin – Palestine Author




(Affecting factors, education in wartime, digital transformation, Palestinian schools


The study aimed to focus on the factors affecting the educational process during wartime, which hinder the use of digital transformation skills. This helped in exploring comprehensive strategies, including a plan to transform Palestinian schools into technologically proficient schools, according to their available resources. To answer the study's questions, the researcher used the inductive analytical approach, employing the analytical method through a comprehensive description of the phenomenon and analysis of information related to the study's topic, while deriving a suitable strategy to transform Palestinian schools into technologically advanced ones. The study resulted in several findings, the most important of which were the impact of wars on the educational system, including the destruction of schools and educational infrastructure, its effect on children's right to education, the lack of modern technologies in Palestinian schools, the weak internet network, and the limited benefit of faculty members from technological and informational developments. This led to a lack of focus on lessons, increased hostility, reluctance to attend school, and a low level of digital transformation in Palestinian schools. In light of these findings, the study reached a set of recommendations, the most important of which are: enriching teacher preparation programs with courses related to digital learning and the use of computers and the internet in education, conducting training courses for teachers to keep up with the latest developments in this field, and providing psychological and social support to our students.


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How to Cite

Abu Farha, I. . . (2024). Factors Affecting Education Under Digital Transformation in Jenin Directorate Schools During Wartime. Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 6(14). https://doi.org/10.69867/xh82qq28