The advantages of distance e-learning at Al-Quds Open University from the viewpoint of its employees.


  • Reem elminiarauy Sudan, University of the Holy Quran and the rooting of science Author


advantages of distance e-learning, Al-Quds Open University


This study aimed to identify "The advantages of distance e-learning at Al-Quds Open University from the viewpoint of its employees ". Their number is (79) faculty members for the year 2022, and the actual study sample consisted of (79) faculty members. One of the most important results is the absence of statistically significant differences at the level of significance (a > 0.05) for The advantages of distance e-learning at Al-Quds Open University from the viewpoint of its employees due to the variable (sex, experience, academic qualification, university). Through the results, the study recommended that developing the e-learning methodology in raising the level of academic achievement among students at the university.


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 المعرف

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How to Cite

The advantages of distance e-learning at Al-Quds Open University from the viewpoint of its employees. (2024). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(8), 160-183.