The necessary teaching competencies in light of the technological development of field training female students for the first basic stage


  • abdallah "muhamad ewdah" khadir milad The University of the Holy Quran and the Origination of Sciences - Sudan Author


Teaching competencies, technological development, field training students


The current study aims to identify the necessary competencies in the light of the technological development of female field training students for the first basic stage from the point of view of educational supervisors in the light of the variables of gender, educational qualification, years of experience and specialization. It consists of (34) paragraphs, and the study population may consist of educational supervisors in the universities of Gaza Governorate, whose number is (50) supervisors, and the study sample consisted of (30) supervisors, and the study reached many results after processing the data statistically to the presence of significant differences Statistics at the level of significance (a) = (0.01) between the average scores of (educational supervisors) in the teaching competencies questionnaire. The teaching competencies of female teachers during their training in the field. And holding specialized courses (for students / teachers) to provide them with teaching skills, such as employing active learning strategies.


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المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

The necessary teaching competencies in light of the technological development of field training female students for the first basic stage. (2024). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(8), 61-86.