The dramatic structure in Haider Mahmoud’s poetry - an analytical study -
Poetic formation, dramatic structure, narration, dialogue, Jordanian poetry, Haider MahmoudAbstract
This study dealt with the dramatic structure of Haider Mahmoud, and the study started from two pillars that constitute the axes of the dramatic structure: They are: narration of both types; Intermittent, sequential or sequential, and dialogue, of both types; Internal and external, the study takes Haider Mahmoud’s poetry as material for application. The importance of the study lies in that it deals with specific poetry, based on the features of poetic drama that his poetry possesses, as drama in poetry expands in the poetic poem from subjectivity to objectivity through its two components, and for Haider Mahmoud it has formed a clear phenomenon worthy of research and scrutiny.
The study reached many results, the most important of which are: The aspects of Haider Mahmoud’s dramatic structure ranged between narration and dialogue in many of his poems, if they were separate, or combining them into a single linguistic structure, in addition to his use of the sub-techniques of narration, which are: intermittent, sequential, or sequential. And for dialogue, they are: internal and external.
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