The reality of applying Sustainable Development in light of the standards of Total Quality Management in governmental schools in Jerusalem from the point of view of their principals”


  • DR.HIAM HUSAM ELDEEN SANDOQA Educational Sciences - Arab American University - Palestine Author
  • PROF.KHALED MOHAMMED ABUOSBA Educational Sciences - Arab American University - Palestine Author


Sustainable Development, Total Quality Management, governmental schools


This study aimed to The reality of applying Sustainable Development in light of the standards of Total Quality Management in governmental schools in Jerusalem from the point of view of their principals, It also aims to indicate the impact of: gender, educational qualification, and school level. The study population consists of all principals of governmental schools in Jerusalem directorate; whose number is (51) male and female principals; given that the entire study population was selected as the study sample. The researcher used the questionnaire to achieve the objectives of the study, as it consisted of (20) items, The validity of tool has been verified by presenting it to arbitrators, and also the reliability of the tool was verified using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. Moreover, the analytical descriptive method was used for data analysis using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program and coming out with the results.The results of the study showed that the reality of applying Sustainable Development in light of the standards of Total Quality Management in governmental schools in Jerusalem from the point of view of their principals were of a “high” degree, Based on these results, the study recommended several recommendations. 


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المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

The reality of applying Sustainable Development in light of the standards of Total Quality Management in governmental schools in Jerusalem from the point of view of their principals”. (2023). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 3(9), 284-307.