The effect of the single pronunciation strategy on the achievement of reading material among first-grade primary school girls
(impact, strategy, single pronunciation, collection)Abstract
This research aims to identify the effect of the single pronunciation strategy on the achievement of reading subject among first-grade female students. To verify the goal of the research, the researcher developed the following null hypothesis: There is no statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the level of grades of the experimental group taught with the strategy. Single pronunciation, and the grades of the control group that taught the same subject according to the traditional method.
The research sample consisted of (63) female students from Martyr Mahdi Al-Hakim Primary School for Girls in Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf Governorate. The researcher followed an experimental approach with partial control. The experimental design was chosen for the experimental and control groups. This required building a tool for the current research, represented by the achievement test for the reading subject, and the test was presented. In front of a group of specialized experts to evaluate its reliability and extract validity coefficients, in addition to recalling the psychometric properties of the test, the researcher used a group of appropriate statistical methods.
The result reached by the researcher is: - There is a statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0.05) between the average achievement scores of the students of the two research groups in the reading subject, and for the benefit of the experimental group, and in light of the research results, the researcher can conclude the following:
The single pronunciation strategy shows its effectiveness in the educational process by providing a suitable climate for discussion and research, and thus enhances students’ understanding and contributes to achieving facts. It also makes the learning process exciting and motivating, which improves achievement results. The researcher recommended several recommendations and proposals.
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