The role of technology in empowering the educational leadership of secondary school principals in the city of Jerusalem and its suburbs in Palestine


  • Abdalnasser Yahya Nada Educational Leadership and Administration - College of Graduate Studies - Al-Quds University - Palestine Author


Technology, Empowerment, Educational leadership


The study aimed to know the role of technology in empowering the educational leadership of secondary school principals in the city of Jerusalem and its suburbs in Palestine. To achieve the aim of the study, the researcher adopted the descriptive approach, the study sample consisted of (51) male and female principals in secondary schools in Jerusalem and its sunurbs, and the study tool (questionnaire) was randomly distributed to the study sample.

The results of the study showed that the arithmetic mean of the study sample estimates towards the degree of availability of technology in secondary schools in the city of Jerusalem and its suburbs in Palestine, with a high level. The results also indicated that the availability of educational leadership empowerment for secondary school principals in the city of Jerusalem and its suburbs in Palestine was high. The results of the study also showed that there is a positive relationship in the estimates of secondary school principals between technology and the administrative structure, and it was found that there is no relationship in the estimates of secondary school principals between technology and areas of participation in decision-making, effective communication, instructions and laws, and delegation of powers. The results also showed that there were no differences between the estimates of secondary school principals towards the role of technology in enabling educational leadership due to the variables (sex, educational qualification, number of years of experience, training courses in the field of leadership), The study recommended the necessity of adopting the Ministry of Education to master the skills of using technology as one of the criteria for appointing secondary school principals, and preparing training programs fo workers of various administrative levels, to train them on effective methods of dealing with technology.


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المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

The role of technology in empowering the educational leadership of secondary school principals in the city of Jerusalem and its suburbs in Palestine. (2024). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 3(9), 252-283.