مدى توظيف معلمي العلوم لمهارات التدريس الإبداعي في المرحلة الأساسية العليا بغزة.


  • RAMI TAWFIQ ALMASRI College of Education, Islamic University of Gaza Author


Creative -Teaching Skills


The research aimed to: identify the extent to which science teachers employ creative teaching skills in the upper basic stage in Gaza. The research sample was science teachers in the upper basic stage in the educational district in northern Gaza. The research tool was the observation card for creative teaching skills. Among the most important results of the research: Science teachers in the upper basic stage employ to a moderate degree creative teaching skills in schools in northern Gaza. One of the most important recommendations of the research is to encourage teachers to pay attention to developing creative teaching skills while teaching science, and the necessity of employing modern and diverse strategies to develop creativity among their students and the necessity of including... The curriculum includes topics and issues that develop creativity and skills among teachers and students alike.


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المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

مدى توظيف معلمي العلوم لمهارات التدريس الإبداعي في المرحلة الأساسية العليا بغزة. (2023). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 3(9), 104-123. https://pal-ea.com/ojs/index.php/edu/article/view/45