Effectiveness of a Simulation-Based Learning Environment in Science Subject in Procedural Knowledge among Ninth Grade Students
a simulation-based learning environment, procedural knowledgeAbstract
Study aim: This study aimed to identify the effectiveness of a simulation-based learning environment in procedural knowledge in science subject among ninth grade students. and the researcher adopted the descriptive analytical and experimental approaches. And the study was applied on a sample of (62) students, where (31) of them represented the experimental group (simulation-based learning environment), and the other (31) represented the control group (traditional method). And the study tools were represented in a test of conceptual knowledge and a test of procedural knowledge. And Study results there are statistically significant differences at the level of (α=0.01) between the mean scores of experimental group students and the mean scores of control group students in the post-application test of procedural knowledge. The study recommended the need to train teachers on how to design and use simulation-based educational environments and work with them in a good manner in education, and the need to use the virtual laboratory as one of the simulation programs in teaching units related to chemistry.
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