identify the relationship of psychological resilience and positive thinking among the high school students in the Palestinian schools
psychological resilience, positive thinkingAbstract
The study aimed to identify the relationship of psychological resilience and positive thinking among the high school students in the Palestinian schools, and to identify the differences in the level psychological resilience and the the positive thinking, according to the following variables (gender, income, school, average). the researcher used the scale of the psychological resilience and positive thinking ( prepared by the researcher). The sample of the study consisted of (531) high school students of Palestinian schools in Rafah in 2021. The researcher used the Descriptive analytical method. The study came up with a set of results, the most important of which are, the level of psychological resilience is high with a relative weight (80.1%), Where it came after bearing responsibility in the first place with relative weight (82.6%), followed by personal cohesion with relative weight (81.3%), and then after flexibility with relative weight (76.3%). the level of the positive thinking was high, with a relative weight (83.6%), the Pearson correlation coefficient between psychological resilience and positive thinking is positive correlation, and there are no differences among high school students related to psychological resilience due to the variables (gender, family income, school, average), and there are no differences among high school students in positive thinking due to the variables of (gender, family income, school, average) .
المصادر والمراجع
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