The components of social renaissance in the Holy Qur’an and explain its educational and renaissance implications


  • dr.emad Abu ghory of Islamic Da’wah - Gaza, Palestine Author


Social Renaissance - The Holy Qur’an, educational implications


The study aimed to identify the components of social renaissance in the Holy Qur’an and explain its educational and renaissance implications, and mentioned an example from the Holy Qur’an that indicates it. The study used the descriptive and analytical approach, and the study reached results including: The correct socialization of individuals is a wealth for Islamic civilization, and the basis of its renaissance is achieving family security and stability. Social, and preventing its threats, achieving the value of good citizenship in Islamic societies, and the positive role of individuals in them. The components of social renaissance in the Holy Qur’an have educational and renaissance implications. The study recommended that the Ministry of Education apply the educational and renaissance contents of the components of social renaissance in schools, and pay attention to educational centers that benefit from those components and contents.


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المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

Abu ghory, E. . (2024). The components of social renaissance in the Holy Qur’an and explain its educational and renaissance implications. Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 4(12), 184-220.