“The effectiveness of using the Notebook Smart application and the interactive whiteboard to design interactive educational activities in classrooms and outside them in public schools.”


  • Maram Ahmed Badir An-Najah National University - Palestine Author


Smart Notebook application, interactive whiteboard, interactive educational activities, public schools


The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of using the Smart Notebook application in designing activities and interactive questions to provide interesting lessons to students, to break the routine and boredom that can occur during the educational process in the schools of the Tulkarm Education Directorate, and to increase their overall achievements. The researcher has applied the quasi-experiment method on a sample of 21 female teachers of different majors (Mathematics, Science, Arabic, English and Technology) in elementary schools in the city of Tulkarm, where the female teachers were trained to use the interactive board, design activities and handle the Smart Notebook application.

The results of the study were good, and indicated the satisfaction of the trained teachers with the training mechanism and its various conditions through a direct interview with a sample of them.

 In light of the results of the study, the researcher recommended adopting the program in other schools and generalizing it by training computer teachers in all schools, in order to train teachers of other majors in their respective schools. In addition to providing an original copy of the application in all schools through the Department of Technology in the Directorate.


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المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

“The effectiveness of using the Notebook Smart application and the interactive whiteboard to design interactive educational activities in classrooms and outside them in public schools.”. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(6), 289-302. https://pal-ea.com/ojs/index.php/edu/article/view/20