The Reality of Resource Rooms in The schools of Education and Education of South Hebron from The perspective of its Teachers Challenges and Ways of Development(Qualitative Study)
Resource rooms, Hebron, Qualitative StudyAbstract
The study aimed to identify the reality of the resource rooms in the schools of education and education of southern Hebron from the point of view of its teachers in terms of challenges and ways to improve, using the qualitative curriculum and to achieve the objectives of the study The researcher relied on triangulating the study tools, which were semi-structured interviews and observations of students and teachers and reviewing official records. (16) A teacher who was deliberately selected. The study found that the problems faced by the target group are behavioural, academic, psychological and social. There are challenges facing teachers in resource rooms during the planning and implementation of classes and challenges related to communication with parents. These challenges can be overcome by holding training courses, intensifying exchange visits between teachers, providing technological means and techniques, and providing support and support to teachers.
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