the effects of the 7th of October  war on the academic and behavioral stability of the internally displaced children of Gaza


  • M.ED Heba Adel Abo Al Rob Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education Author



The Effects of War, Academic Stability, Behavior, Displaced Children, in Gaza


The study aimed at identifying the effects of the 7th of October  war on the academic and behavioral stability of the internally displaced children of Gaza . The researcher utilized the descriptive analytical approach and used a questionnaire to collect data from the sample of the study comprising (152) teachers and administrators from the primary schools in Gaza . The study reached a set of results with the most notable ones as follows: from the teachers' point of view, the degree of the effects of the war in Gaza on the academic and behavioral stability of the internally displaced children in Gaza was moderate, where overall, the average sample response of the sample was (3.0), at (61.87%) The effects of the war on the academic stability came first, with an average of (3.40), followed by its effects on the children's emotions with an average of (3.19), then its effect on the children's behaviour with an average of (2.74). Further, there are no significant statistical differences between the mean of the sample responses on the instrument due to the type variable and the academic qualification, whereas there are significant statistical differences in the axis of emotions in favor of the teachers over the administrators. The study recommended the accommodation of the internally displaced children in schools, facilitation of their registration procedures, and preparation of rehabilitation and psychological counselling programs for the internally displaced children coming from the areas of conflict in Gaza


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How to Cite

Abo Al Rob, H. . (2024). the effects of the 7th of October  war on the academic and behavioral stability of the internally displaced children of Gaza. Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 6(14), 59-83.