The impact of using creative strategies to adapt distance education in the face of crises


  • Dr.. Adel Fayez Al-Sartawi Ministry of Education - Palestine Author
  • Samah Mahmoud Shehab Ministry of Education - Palestine Author
  • Rana Amin Sabra Ministry of Education - Palestine Author


Distance Learning, Emergency Learning, COVID-19 Crisis, Teaching Strategies.


This study aimed at examining creative teaching strategies in the face of crises by answering a set of qualitative questions, as the researchers relied on the qualitative analytical approach in the study by conducting interviews and surveys with students and their parents regarding distance learning and strategies for its activation, and proposals to harmonize the education plan in emergencies during the COVID 19 crisis. The results showed the effectiveness of learning strategies used to learn students and enhance their attitudes towards distance learning, and their effectiveness in facing the challenges associated with learning. The researchers recommended the need to adopt an educational platform for all schools for distance learning in emergency situations, and to work on continuing teacher training to use distance learning applications.


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How to Cite

The impact of using creative strategies to adapt distance education in the face of crises. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 1(3), 113-128.