A Proposed Perception for Developing the Leadership of School Principals Performance in Palestine in the Light of the Requirements of Strategic Leadership


  • Dr. Abdul Qader Khaled Abu Ali Ministry of Education and Higher Education/Palestine Author
  • Muhammad Jawad Abdul Latif Al-Rubai Ministry of Education - Palestine Author


suggested perception, leadership performance, strategic leadership.


The study aimed to prepare a proposed perception for developing the leadership of school principals' performance in Palestine in the light of the requirements of strategic leadership. The study relied on the descriptive analytical method.

The study sample consisted of (200) He/ school principals and She/principals from the southern governorates of Palestine, and the study tool consisted of a questionnaire consisting of (26) items distributed into four fields (participation in decision-making, leadership of work teams, change leadership, empowerment (.

The results revealed that the total degree of the average of application degrees of the leadership performance fields for school principals came (3.60) with a relative weight of (72.12) to a large degree, and the first rank of the empowerment field came with a relative weight of (74.40) to a significant degree.

In the second rank, the field of leadership of work teams came with a relative weight of (71.69) to a large degree, and the field of change leadership came in the third rank with a relative weight of (71.65) to a large degree. And in the fourth and last degree, the field of empowerment came with a relative weight of (70.43) to a large degree as well.

 A proposed perception was built to develop the leadership of school principals' performance in Palestine in the light of the requirements of strategic leadership.


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How to Cite

A Proposed Perception for Developing the Leadership of School Principals Performance in Palestine in the Light of the Requirements of Strategic Leadership. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(6), 241-279. https://pal-ea.com/ojs/index.php/edu/article/view/162