The use of electronic educational games through technological applications and their role in revealing the creativity of astudents from the point of view of the teachers of the basic stage, "case study" of the Thahr Al-Malih girls' primary school "as a mo


  • Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Nouri Educational Sciences - Psychology - Palestine Author
  • Nadia Mohammed Makhzoumi College of Science - Applied Chemistry - Palestine Author
  • Fidaa Saeed Khandakji Information Technology - Information and Communications Technology - Palestine Author


Electronic Educational Games - Creativity - Technological Applications


The current study aimed highlight on educational electronic games designed based on educational content and their role in revealing the creative aspects of students, by knowing the perspectives of primary school teachers after training them on these games and using different technological applications in Dahr El Maleh Basic Girls School as a case study.

The descriptive approach was used; To get acquainted with the applications through which various electronic games can be employed. The study was applied to the teachers of Dahr El Maleh Primary School who applied the Nearbud program to benefit from it in designing various electronic games. The entire community of them (8) was studied, where they were interviewed individually and by group. The study reached several results, the most important of which is that technological applications have a great impact in revealing the various creativity of the student, as a result of the ease of access to information, and access to it in an attractive and pleasant way as well. Participation, talk and interaction with the teacher in the classroom, and based on the findings of the study, it recommended the importance of activating the use of electronic educational games through various applications, and also recommended the need to pre-plan educational electronic games based on the goals to be achieved, in the hope of overcoming what they suffer Our traditional schools consist of problems and routines that are followed, and achieve an attractive education for students capable of revealing the creative aspects of the student.


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How to Cite

The use of electronic educational games through technological applications and their role in revealing the creativity of astudents from the point of view of the teachers of the basic stage, "case study" of the Thahr Al-Malih girls’ primary school "as a mo. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(4), 295-318.