The reality of harmonizing educational strategies that stimulate student creativity in public schools, and ways to activate them in Tubas Governorate from the point of view of teachers


  • Rania Mahmoud Sawafta Directorate of Education, Tubas Author


Tubas ,strategies , motivates, education, schools


This research's objective is to study the educational strategies which motivates the creativity of students at governmental schools, the study represents teachers of the Palestinian governorate (Tubas) governmental schools, number of these schools and teachers are 45, and 900, respectively. In order to achieve this research's goal, a descriptive method is adopted. In other words, the research tool is represented by conducting a questionnaire. 45 teachers were selected randomly out of 900 teachers in Tubas governorate. Research results were tangible; most importantly that the recent educational strategies which is supposed to be the key of creativity, are not activated as required; since the current governmental schools have not been prepared with the required tools for students. Moreover, students do not get enough attention and services because of the large number of students and the limited time and required educational devices. In addition to that, there are no differences that have statistical indication according to study fields variables; such as teacher's work years, age, and social type, while there are differences that statistical indication according to teacher's work years regarding matching schools' contents and tools with its services . The research came up with several recommendations; most importantly, it has to be attributed to the ministry of education to create internal and external cooperation that adopt the support of recent educational strategies issued by the ministry of education, this cooperation should be conducted during the daily school work hours.


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How to Cite

The reality of harmonizing educational strategies that stimulate student creativity in public schools, and ways to activate them in Tubas Governorate from the point of view of teachers. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(4), 319-337.