Obstacles to The Creative Performance of Teachers of Mathematics in The South-Hebron \reality and suggestions


  • filastin muhamad alkhatib Ministry of Education - Department of Educational Supervision - Palestine Author
  • Sanaa Ali Abu Al-Sabaa Ministry of Education - Teacher - Palestine Author


Obstacles, Creative performance, Mathematics teachers


This study aims at investigating obstacles of creativity performance of mathmatics  teachers   at south Hebron\ Palestine,  It also aims to identify these obstacles due to some variables (gender and years of experience). The descriptive analysis method was used in this study. Researchers constructed a questionnaire to collect data and they assured its validity and reliability through using scientific procedures . The researchers used Cronbach Alpha (0.73) to validate the questionnaire. Population of the study consisted of all male and female teachers who teach (5-12)classes at south hebron directorate. 33% of this population was chosen randomly as a sample of the study. Findings showed that obstacles of creativity performance of mathematics teachers came in a medium degree with a mean of (3.61). Results also showed that there were  no statistically significant differences between subjects’ responses about the obstacles facing mathematics teachers in creativity performances attributed to gender. There were no statistically significant differences attributed to years of experience.


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المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

Obstacles to The Creative Performance of Teachers of Mathematics in The South-Hebron \reality and suggestions. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(4), 338-355. https://pal-ea.com/ojs/index.php/edu/article/view/155