A proposed vision to achieve creative leadership among university leaders in the light of contemporary trends


  • Dr. Laila Muftah Faraj Al-Azibi Department of Education and Fundamentals - Faculty of Educational Sciences - University of Jordan - Jordan Author


creative leadership, university leaders, contemporary trends



      The study aimed to identify the most important obstacles that prevent the application of the creative leadership style in universities, and to identify the appropriate administrative environment for creative leadership in the light of contemporary trends, as well as to identify the creative leadership skills necessary to build creative university leaders. In light of this, the study presents a proposed vision for activating the creative leadership of university leaders in the light of contemporary trends.

     To answer the study questions; the researcher used the developmental analytical method, as she used the descriptive analytical method through the comprehensive description of the phenomenon and the analysis of information related to the subject of the study. And the developmental approach by presenting a proposed vision to activate the creative leadership of university leaders in the light of contemporary trends.

     The study found the necessary organizational frameworks for a proposed conception to activate the creative leadership of university leaders, as it is an educational and educational institution that incubates creativity and innovation, which in turn contributes to community development and achieving the desired goals.

     Within the limits of the results of the study, the researcher presented a set of recommendations, the most important of which is the adoption of the proposed vision for university leaders who seek to improve their outcomes to meet the changing requirements of the labor market.



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How to Cite

A proposed vision to achieve creative leadership among university leaders in the light of contemporary trends. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(4), 196-212. https://pal-ea.com/ojs/index.php/edu/article/view/152