the role of student's parliament project in the public schools in the south regions of West Bank


  • Youssef Salamah Abu Ras Ministry of Education - Palestine Author


The Student's Parliament, government schools, West Bank


The study aims at recognizing the role of student's parliament project in the public schools in the south regions of  West Bank. This study focuses on the project's effects on students' personal attitudes, their behaviors and how this project reflects on schools, from the view point of school principals.

 The study uses the Analytical Descriptive Approach, and it depends on a questionnaire to collect data.( 57) schools, in the south of West Bank, have been chosen, where the student's parliament project has been applied.

The results show that the student's parliament has built confidence for the pupils who involved in the study, the project also helped to upgrade the level of attention paid to the public affairs, laws and public liberties. Furthermore, it has expanded the social relationships between students, schools and local societies as well. Moreover, the project has helped in building a leading figure among students. Finally, it has reduced the levels of violence inside and outside target schools.

The study recommends the importance of sponsoring and disseminating the" Project of Student's Parliaments" in every single school in our homeland , Contributed to the development of entrepreneurship and creativity . 


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المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

the role of student’s parliament project in the public schools in the south regions of West Bank. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(4), 155-181.