The school’s role in promoting technological creativity among its students and ways to develop it


  • rua 'iibrahim alsalahat Educational Administration - College of Education - Islamic University - Palestine Author


school, technological innovation


The study aimed to identify the role of the school in promoting technological creativity among its students and ways to develop it from the point of view of managers, and to reveal the existence of differences between the average estimates of the sample members for this role, and to suggest a set of ways to develop it. A questionnaire consisting of (26) items distributed over four areas, and the questionnaire was applied to a sample of (69) male and female managers Among the most important findings of the study: the study sample’s estimate of the degree of the school’s practice of its role in promoting technological creativity among its students who obtained a relative weight (67.41%), i.e. at a medium degree, the absence of statistically significant differences between the average degrees of the sample’s assessment of the degree of the school’s practice of its role in Enhancing technological creativity among its students due to study variables (gender, directorate), and there are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the sample estimation of the degree of the school’s practice of its role in promoting technological creativity among its students due to study variables (number of courses in the field of technology) in favor of 4 or more courses in the field of technology. Curriculum and student area A set of ways to develop this role were also reached through interviews conducted by the researcher with a number of educational experts, as follows: developing curricula in line with the rapid technological developments, integrating e-learning with face-to-face education, developing the performance and capabilities of teachers through mandatory training courses, especially The field of dealing with technology, working to establish an incubator for creative students who have technological inclinations, providing students with the names of sites that offer technology-specific courses via the Internet.


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How to Cite

The school’s role in promoting technological creativity among its students and ways to develop it. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(4), 115-136.