The Degree of Abundance of Creativity development standards at UNRWA Schools in West Bank Governorates North Palestine


  • Dr.. Jamal Muhammad Marshoud University College of Educational Sciences - UNRWA - Ramallah - Palestine Author


Standards, Creativity development. UNRWA


The purpose of the present study is to identify The Degree of Abundance of Creativity development standards at UNRWA Schools in West Bank Governorates North Palestine. The researcher used a descriptive approach. The tool of the study was a questionnaire consisted of (50) Sentence, which was applied on random sample of the study consisted of (115) School Principal, Assistant School Principal, Educational Specialist) in the second semester at the scholastic year 2021\2022.

The statistical analyses were carried out by using SPSS, the researcher used (T-Test، One Way Anova) to answer the study questions. The study found out that the degree of Abundance of Creativity development standards got a total average of (2.86 out of 5), which meant it had a moderate degree, there weren't significant differences attributed to gender and qualifications variables in all domains, and there were significant differences attributed to the job variable in all domains except for the curriculum between School Principal and Educational Specialist in favor of School Principal. The researcher urges those in charge of the schools of the Ministry of Education in the governorates of the northern West Bank to take advantage of the criteria for developing creativity contained in the study, and to include them in the processes of preparation, planning, implementation, training and evaluation to improve and develop the degree of their availability.


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المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

The Degree of Abundance of Creativity development standards at UNRWA Schools in West Bank Governorates North Palestine. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(4), 55-79.