The degree of the academic administrative staff acquiring of administration creativity skills in Jordanian universities from the point of view of the deans, academic administrative staff.


  • Dr.. kafaa Muhammad Al-Hamoud Administration and Pedagogy - Education - Yarmouk - Jordan Author


:Jordanian universities, academic administrations, creativity.


This study aimed to identify the degree to which academic departments in Jordanian universities possess the skills of administrative creativity The survey method was used,and the study sample consisted of(242)academic administrators,who were chosen by a simple random method.

The results were as follows:There were no statistically significant differences(α = 0.05)due to the gender variable.and educational level variable.There are statistically significant differences(α=0.05)due to the variable years of experience, and the variable number of special training courses in the field of administrative creativity, and to clarify the differences,dimensional comparisons were used in an oral manner. There are statistically significant differences(α=0.05)Between less than(5)years and(10)years or more,the differences were in favor of less than(5)years in the degree of academic administration practice.There are statistically significant differences(α=0.05)Between less than(5)years on the one hand and each of(5)-less than(10)and(10)years and more on the other hand,the differences came in favor of less than(5)years in the difficulties and proposals facing the academic administrations.The results also showed that there are many difficulties facing academic departments in Jordanian universities to practice administrative creativity,and the most prominent of these obstacles are:the weakness of providing material and moral incentives,in addition to the existence of many proposals that would enhance the practice of academic departments.


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المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

The degree of the academic administrative staff acquiring of administration creativity skills in Jordanian universities from the point of view of the deans, academic administrative staff. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(4), 92-114.