The role of the University College of Applied Sciences in developing creativity among its students from the viewpoint of faculty members and ways to develop it in light of digital transformation


  • Samaher Mustafa Al-Leli Master’s degree in Curricula and Teaching Methods - University College of Applied Sciences - Palestine Author
  • Warda Ziyada Nassar Master’s degree in Curricula and Teaching Methods - University College of Applied Sciences - Palestine Author
  • Hanan Omar Alwan Master’s in Mental Health - University College of Applied Sciences - Palestine Author


University College, development, creativity, digital transformation


The study aimed to identify the role of the University College of Applied Sciences in developing creativity among its students from the point of view of faculty members in light of digital transformation. The researchers used the descriptive and analytical method, and the study sample reached (76) individuals from the study population, which consists of all members of the teaching staff at the university college. They numbered (600) individuals, and the study tool consisted of a questionnaire (34) items. The study reached several results, the most important of which are: The degree of the University College of Applied Sciences’ practice of its role in developing creativity among its students from the point of view of faculty members was high, with a relative weight of (76.38%). The study also showed that there are no significant differences in the role of the University College of Applied Sciences in developing creativity among its students according to the variables gender, years of experience and educational qualification because the probability value (sig.) is greater than the significance level (0.05). The study recommended the importance of keeping pace with technological developments by providing modern equipment that enables them to create ideas and information, retain them, and distribute them in ways that enable them to exploit them in an optimal way and make work flourish. Paying attention to the positive qualities of people with creative abilities and providing appropriate conditions for them because they play the largest role in solving problems


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How to Cite

The role of the University College of Applied Sciences in developing creativity among its students from the viewpoint of faculty members and ways to develop it in light of digital transformation. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(4), 19-36.