the role of those in charge of the scouting units in strengthening the value system of individuals in the southern governorates of Palestine


  • mahmoud mohammed abu hwaishel Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Palestine Author


Role, scouting units, values system, southern governorates


The study aimed to reveal the responsibilities and duties of those in charge of the scouting units in strengthening the value system of individuals in the southern governorates of Palestine, and the researcher used the descriptive and analytical approach, and the study sample consisted of (16) members of the scouting units in the southern governorates of Palestine, and the researcher used a questionnaire to achieve the objectives of the study. The study found results, the most important of which are: There are duties for those in charge of Scouting units towards themselves, youth and society, the most important of which is for the leader to be a good example in his manifestation, behavior and morals, and to help the group so that its members cooperate in achieving their goals, and the necessity to carry out public service at the level of the neighborhood in which they live In it by participating in the general weeks, and it showed that the total degree of the role of unit holders in strengthening the value system among individuals is small, with a relative weight of 46.2%. Finally, it showed that there are no statistically significant differences in the responses of the study sample individuals to the role of the scouters in strengthening the values ​​system of Individuals attributed to the variable of gender and the governorate, and the study recommended the necessity of holding personal interviews when selecting scout leaders, supervised by qualified persons capable. We should choose competencies, and activate the role of oversight over those in charge of scouting units to ensure their work as fully as possible and their commitment to the Scout law and promise, and that ministries and institutions allocate part of the evaluation of those in charge of Scouting units on their role in strengthening the values ​​system of individuals.


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Author Biography

  • mahmoud mohammed abu hwaishel , Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Palestine
    • عضو نقابة المعلمين الفلسطينية منذ العام 2009م .
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    حاصل على جائزة المعلم المبادر في مكان العمل للعامين 2018، 2019 على التوالي.


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How to Cite

abu hwishel , mahmoud. (2024). the role of those in charge of the scouting units in strengthening the value system of individuals in the southern governorates of Palestine. Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 5(13), 191-242.