Evaluating the role of civil society organizations in strengthening women’s rights from the perspective of women in the northern governorates


  • Dr. Nathmieh fakhry khailel hejazi College of Social and Family Development - Al-Quds Open University - Palestine Author




civil society organizations, women's rights, northern governorates


The study aimed to evaluate the role of civil society organizations in strengthening women’s rights from the point of view of women in the northern governorates. The descriptive approach was used, and the study tool was the questionnaire. The sample size was (248) women. The results showed that the overall score for evaluating the role of civil society organizations in strengthening women’s rights from the point of view of women in the northern governorates according to the field of economic empowerment is high, and there are also statistically significant differences in evaluating the role of civil society organizations in strengthening women’s rights from the point of view of women in the governorates. North attributed to monthly income, marital status). The researcher recommended the necessity of working to provide a space for women’s voices to ensure the effective participation of women in formulating policies and making decisions related to women’s rights and providing technical support and training to women, to enable them to work to achieve their rights and contribute to enhancing their role in society by providing training workshops, educational programs and technical guidance to women. Those interested in community work.


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How to Cite

hejazi, . N. (2024). Evaluating the role of civil society organizations in strengthening women’s rights from the perspective of women in the northern governorates. Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 5(13), 82-101. https://doi.org/10.69867/PEAJ006