Teacher's Status and Competencies in the Light of the Educational Thought of Imam Al-Ajuri


  • Firas Muhammad Odeh Faculty of Educational Sciences - Al-Quds Open University - Palestine Author


Teacher competencies - educational thought - Imam Al-Ajuri


It is an open secret to the reader that  the Muslim scholars presented the bright side in the history of the human civilization in its various scientific, moral, and educational fields. This civilization was marked by the originality of its source that is derived from Allah's Book (The Holy Quran) and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah , Mohamed (peace be upon him).  Prophet Mohammed had command of using several educational methods in order to deliver the Islam to all humans. While the other theories collapsed and proved its incapacity in resisting the spatial, temporal and historical stresses so it vanished, in our message of prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) the world still discover new ideas in this call of Allah.  

His companions and followers, may God’s prayers and peace be upon them, followed his approach and excelled in various fields of science, and their fragrant biographies continued to illuminate the knowledge and sciences they presented to humanity through sources, books and manuscripts. Imam Ajuri presented us several educational lessons about taking care of the high standing of the teacher that enables the teacher to perform his noble mission as scientific and knowledge integrity so as to contribute directly in nations' development and prosperity, due to Imam Al-Ajuri’s realization of the truth of the sacred message entrusted to him, and the social status he enjoyed as a reformer and guide, especially for teachers of childhood.

The contemporary teacher’s reliance on that historical and educational legacy of Muslim scholars is the sole way to restore the glories of the Islamic nation whose enemies succeeded in distracting it from its origins with those peels offered by Western scholars and polished by propaganda that promotes them as new inventions and discoveries that will move society to progress and progress.


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المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

Teacher’s Status and Competencies in the Light of the Educational Thought of Imam Al-Ajuri. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 1(3), 15-35. https://pal-ea.com/ojs/index.php/edu/article/view/119