The effect of using the six hats strategy in developing mathematical confidence among tenth grade students in Gaza


  • Mohamed Gabriel Daher Master's degree in Curriculum and Teaching Methods - Palestine Author


Six - hat strategy, sports trust


The objective of this research is to uncover the impact of the six-cap strategy on the development of sports confidence among tenth graders in Gaza.

The researcher followed the pilot approach based on a pilot group and an officer group.The mathematical confidence meter was used, and the study sample consisted of the basic tenth grade students at the East Gaza Principal, with 82 students.

The researcher found that there are statistically significant differences at a significant level (α ≤ 0.05) between the middle grades of the students studying the pilot group With the six-cap strategy, and the grades of the officer group students studying in the standard sport confidence scale for the pilot group.The researcher recommended using different learning strategies in the explanation to develop athletic confidence, athletic effort and athletic value.


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أولاً: المراجع العربية:

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How to Cite

The effect of using the six hats strategy in developing mathematical confidence among tenth grade students in Gaza. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 1(3), 36-51.