The Effects of Child Labor in the City of Kassala, Eastern in Sudan- Analytical Study


  • Dr.. Ibrahim Abdul Latif Khojali Associate Professor - University of Kassala - Faculty of Education - Department of Geography - Sudan Author


Child labor- child poverty -demographic waste - family inclusion


The study aimed at the effects of child labor in the city of Kassala, eastern Sudan - as an analytical study to know, diagnose and investigate the factors contributing to the exacerbation of the phenomenon at the economic, social, psychological and security levels. The study through mechanisms such as personal observation, interview, focus group, and research in published and unpublished sources related to the subject of the study. The study reached the most important results, the most important of which is that the reasons for the existence of child labor in Kassala city are the result of several overlapping and connected factors with each other in the form of a circular ring that is difficult to separate its parts, including the economic conditions, which take The lion’s share in terms of impact, as well as multi-faceted social factors, such as that most children work in Kassala for a period of (10) hours per day, and this exceeds the permissible limit internationally, which has physical and psychological effects in the future, and that most children suffer from government neglect represented in their lack of financial support The study came out with a number of interim recommendations, among which it is necessary to include development plans The state’s annual annual program is a special program for children working in the Kassala city market (rehabilitation, training and education), as well as the enactment of strict laws and legislations to determine the official working hours for child labor in accordance with permissible international conventions, as well as the principle of family containment that must be dealt with by parents not moving away from their children and thinking with them aloud about a solution their problems, support children morally and materially, and support poor families in the peripheral and popular neighborhoods to try to reduce the presence of the phenomenon and contribute to solving the phenomenon economically and socially within the city of Kassala.


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How to Cite

The Effects of Child Labor in the City of Kassala, Eastern in Sudan- Analytical Study. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 1(3), 1-14.