The components of moral renaissance, and demonstrated the educational and renaissance implications of those components


  • Dr. Emad mohammed Abu ghory College of Islamic Da’wah, Gaza, Palestine Author


Ingredients, moral renaissance, the Holy Qur’an



The study aimed to identify the components of moral renaissance, and demonstrated the educational and renaissance implications of those components, and the Qur’anic models that indicate them. The study adopted the descriptive and analytical approach, and reached results including: The moral renaissance in the Holy Qur’an is characterized by comprehensiveness, starting from the purification of the human soul of the individual, all the way to consolidating morals in everyone, due to the components Moral advancement in the Holy Qur’an has educational implications that can be benefited from and guided by. There are many examples of moral advancement in the Holy Qur’an, to consolidate them in souls and enrich the Muslim’s personality. The study also recommended that the Ministry of Education pay attention to moral renaissance in schools, and pay attention to the role of educational incubators in consolidating moral renaissance in the hearts of Muslims..


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How to Cite

The components of moral renaissance, and demonstrated the educational and renaissance implications of those components. (2024). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 4(11), 151-183.