The impact of the enrichment of a math module in Quranic verses on the development of relative preparation skills and the mathematical self of eighth-grade basic students in Palestine


  • A. Muhammad Jibril Daher Ministry of Education - Palestine Author
  • Prof. Dr. Yahya Muhammad Abu Jahjouh Al-Aqsa University - Palestine Author
  • Dr. Khaled Fayez Abdel Qader Al-Aqsa University - Palestine Author


Upgraded Module, relative preparation skills, mathematical self


(The aim of this research is to reveal the effect of enriching a unit of mathematics with Quranic verses in developing the skills of relative numbers and the mathematical subject among eighth grade students in Palestine. Gaza, and the study tools included: a test of relative numbers skills, and a mathematical self-concept scale. The researcher used the following statistical methods: a t-test for two independent samples, a t-test for two related samples, and the size of the effect.

The study showed many results, including: The magnitude of the effect of the mathematical self-concept scale is larg . The mathematical self-concept is characterized by the possibility of its development by enriching a study unit with the verses of the Noble Qur’an. And The students of the experimental group excelled in the test of rational numbers skills.

The researcher recommended strengthening the mathematical self-concept in the different stages through the method of explanation, and adopting the unit of study and evidence in the mathematics book for the eighth grade.


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المصادر والمراجع

القرآن الكريم

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How to Cite

The impact of the enrichment of a math module in Quranic verses on the development of relative preparation skills and the mathematical self of eighth-grade basic students in Palestine. (2021). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 1(2), 36-57.