The role of the media in promoting positive attitudes towards graduates of vocational education in the governorates of Gaza


  • Dr. Muhammad Abd al-Rahman al-Zaeem MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Author
  • Dr.Mohamed Hasan Abu Rahma MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Author



media, positive trends, graduates of vocational education


The study aimed to know the reality of the role of the media in promoting positive attitudes towards graduates of vocational education in the governorates of Gaza, and it also aimed to develop a proposed plan to strengthen these trends. And their number is (55) male and female teachers, which is an appropriate percentage for conducting statistical treatments on them.

The researchers used the questionnaire as a main tool for the study, and the study concluded a number of results, the most important of which are: The total degree of the reality of the role of the media in promoting positive attitudes towards graduates of vocational education in Gaza governorates appeared with a relative weight of (56.22) with a medium degree of appreciation. There are no statistically significant differences attributable to the variables of gender, workplace, years of service and current job among the averages of the study samples. The researchers recommend the following: The necessity of having a strategic media plan concerned with supporting and promoting positive attitudes towards graduates of technical and vocational education in cooperation with the public relations departments in vocational and technical education institutions and in coordination With the General Administration of Technical and Vocational Education at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, by holding workshops that came out with recommendations and an executive plan to implement them on the ground. It is necessary to prepare specialized media cadres that are responsible for spreading a culture of appreciation of technical and vocational education graduates, and are well-trained to properly formulate the definitions terms and contents of technical and vocational education and try to integrate them into the forms and media materials that are broadcast and broadcast in the Palestinian society.


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How to Cite

The role of the media in promoting positive attitudes towards graduates of vocational education in the governorates of Gaza . (2021). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 1(2), 58-88.