Instructions for Authors

Instructions for researchers:
1. The research should be characterized by originality, scientific and cognitive value, and language integrity and accuracy.
2. The research should not be part of a previous published research.
3. In the event that the research is derived from a scientific thesis, major changes must be made to distinguish it from the scientific thesis by adding new scientific knowledge, provided that an electronic copy of the thesis is attached, with an indication on the first page of the research that the research is derived from a scientific thesis.
4. The number of research pages should not exceed (30) pages, including figures, graphics, tables, images and references. As for the appendices, they are included after the list of references, noting that the appendices are not published, but are included for the purpose of arbitration.
5. The researcher's name or any reference to him should not be mentioned in the body of the research, in order to ensure the confidentiality of the arbitration process.
6. The researcher should fill out the publication request on the Palestinian Educators Association web page, and be committed to complete accuracy in filling it out.
7. The researcher must take into account the validity of the research linguistically and take into account the punctuation marks.
Search Format:
1. Paper: A4 size with dimensions of (21 x 29) cm.
2. The number of research pages does not exceed (30) pages, including Arabic and English abstracts, and references.

3. The research data shall be written in both Arabic and English, and shall contain: (The research title, the researcher's name and identification, and contact information).
Research Title
The name of the researcher is three
Department..., College..., University..., City, State (if working at a university)
Or business, city, country
Email of the sending researcher:
Research title
Author name as: (Mohammed A. El-…)
Department of …, Faculty of …, University, City, Country
Or Affiliation & Address
Corresponding author e-mail address:

4. The research should contain a summary in both Arabic and English, provided that each of them does not exceed (200) words, with an emphasis on writing the title of the research in English, and that each summary is followed by keywords (indicating the exact specialization of the research) so that their number does not exceed (5) words.
5. Margins:
If the search is in Arabic: 3 cm for the top and bottom, 3 cm for the right side, and 2.3 cm for the left.

If the search is in English: 3 cm up and down, 2.3 cm on the right side, and 3 cm on the left.

6. Space between lines: single.
7. Fonts: from Word 2010 under the operating system (Windows) as follows:
• Arabic: Simplified Arabic, font size 14 bold for the headline, 12 bold for the subheadings, 12 normal for the rest of the texts and page numbering, 11 normal for tables and figures, and 10 normal for the summary.
• English: Times New Roman, font size 14 bold for headline, 12 bold for subheadings, 12 normal for rest of the text and page numbering, 11 normal for tables and illustrations, and 10 normal for the abstract.
8. Research Items:
The researcher organizes his research according to the requirements of the scientific research method as follows:
1) Introduction: (the subject of the research, its problem, limits, objectives, methodology, and procedures).
2) Clarifying previous studies and scientific additions to them.
3) Materials and methods of work: It must contain details of the method of conducting the research, the statistical analyzes and the references used for them.
4) Results and discussion: Results and discussion can be written under one heading or under two separate headings. In the case of tabular data, tables and figures are placed inside the text in the first available location after mentioning them by their number in the text. It is desirable not to rewrite the numbers mentioned in the tables, and it is preferable to indicate their presence in the table or in the figure, and the results are discussed in detail with the help of references related to the research.
5) Writing a conclusion with a comprehensive summary of the research that includes the most important findings and recommendations.
6) List of sources and references.
9. Tables:
A- The tables are included in the text and numbered sequentially, and their names are written at the top.
b- In the text: table (1) (with one space between the table and its number).
C- The caption: it should be included in the table on the first row, formatted as follows:
Table(1) Table title (with three spaces between the caption and the table name).
d- The source is written at the bottom of the table, font size 11, as in the following example:

Table 1 Distribution of the study sample female students in the four sections
Group (Division) Strategy Number of female students
Control … 00
Experimental ... 00
Source: (author's nickname, year of publication: page number), if necessary.
10. Charts and Illustrations:
Diagrams and illustrations shall be included in the text, and drawings and figures shall be in black and white and numbered sequentially.
- In the text: (Figure 1) (with one space between the figure and its number).
- Caption: It should be directly below the figure as follows:
Figure (1): The title of the figure is like:
Figure (1): Evolution of supply and demand for electricity in the period (2005-2012).
- The source is written at the bottom of the figure, font size 11, as follows (author's nickname, year of publication: page number) if necessary.
Note: The tables and figures are included in their correct places, and they include headings and the necessary explanatory data, and it is taken into account that the dimensions of the figures and tables do not exceed the size of the page.
Documentation method:
1. The method of referring to the sources within the body of the research according to the APA system.
- Quranic verse: it is referred to in the text only: the name of the surah, the number of the verse. Example: (Al-A’raf: 2)
- The Noble Prophet’s Hadith: It is referred to in the text only [book name, part number / page number: hadith number, if any], for example: [Sahih Al-Bukhari 1/234:53].
2. The method of writing references at the end of the research according to the APA system.

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