PEAJEPS ISNI 0502828001 ISSN : 2789-1941
Vol 3, No 10, December , pp  - 
PEA Journal of Educational and Psychology Sciences (Palestinian Educators Association)
 
 
 
.. Raneen Baseem No’man
Samar Sa’di AbuHejleh
) 
  
The role of the technology teacher in achieving sustainable development
This study aims to clarify the importance and role of the technology teacher using artificial intelligence in the field of achieving
sustainable development goals. Given that artificial intelligence has been used successfully in many fields, including education,
medicine, scientific discoveries, industry, energy, environment, and robotics, most developed countries have adopted artificial
intelligence applications and employed them in Various fields to achieve sustainable developmentThrough this research, we concluded
that the use of artificial intelligence in sustainable development opens a new gateway to the horizons of investing in advanced
technology and benefiting from it in implementing sustainable development strategies according to the best standards of efficiency, in
a way that reflects positively on the individual’s standard of living and strengthens economic growth, social well-being, and
preservation and protection of the environment. The study recommended the necessity of investing in infrastructure and
communications services, as it can only come by opening the way for the private sector to invest in providing various communications
services, as it is the most successful way to achieve sustainable development
Developing plans and programs that aim to transform society into an information society, so that new technologies are integrated into
sustainable social, economic and environmental development plans and strategies.
Keywords:(Technology, sustainable development, artificial intelligence)
Doi: 
: 
PEA Journal of Educational and Psychology Sciences (Palestinian Educators Association)
   
: 
PEA Journal of Educational and Psychology Sciences (Palestinian Educators Association)
: 
PEA Journal of Educational and Psychology Sciences (Palestinian Educators Association)
    
 
 202202
Green ICT
: 
PEA Journal of Educational and Psychology Sciences (Palestinian Educators Association)
        ICT-enabled resource and energy management
e-government and smart cities
enhancing capacity through ICT
 e- publishing and bridging the digital divide
: 
PEA Journal of Educational and Psychology Sciences (Palestinian Educators Association)
 Vincent Maugis (
 ETH 
40 
: 
PEA Journal of Educational and Psychology Sciences (Palestinian Educators Association)
: 
PEA Journal of Educational and Psychology Sciences (Palestinian Educators Association)
: 
PEA Journal of Educational and Psychology Sciences (Palestinian Educators Association)
: 
PEA Journal of Educational and Psychology Sciences (Palestinian Educators Association)
1 
 2 
 3 
 4 
 5 
 6 
 7 
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PEA Journal of Educational and Psychology Sciences (Palestinian Educators Association)